Results for 'Wen Ying Jin'

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  1. Towards a Realist Shifty Semantic Account of Moral Vagueness.Z. Huey Wen - forthcoming - Acta Analytica.
    A widely shared intuition says moral statements like “Aborting at 150 days is permissible” seem vague. But what is the nature of such vagueness? This article proposes a novel, shifty semantic account of moral vagueness which argues: Moral vagueness is essentially a semantic phenomenon existing in our imperfect (moral) language; the referents of vague moral terms may shift under the right circumstance; our usage of vague moral terms may contribute to such shifts, but so may some factors beyond our control. (...)
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  2. Rationing, Responsibility, and Vaccination during COVID-19: A Conceptual Map.Jin K. Park & Ben Davies - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (7):66-79.
    Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, shortages of scarce healthcare resources consistently presented significant moral and practical challenges. While the importance of vaccines as a key pharmaceutical intervention to stem pandemic scarcity was widely publicized, a sizable proportion of the population chose not to vaccinate. In response, some have defended the use of vaccination status as a criterion for the allocation of scarce medical resources. In this paper, we critically interpret this burgeoning literature, and describe a framework for thinking about vaccine-sensitive resource (...)
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  3. How social classes and health considerations in food consumption affect food price concerns.Ruining Jin, Tam-Tri Le, Resti Tito Villarino, Adrino Mazenda, Minh-Hoang Nguyen & Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    Food prices are a daily concern in many households’ decision-making, especially when people want to have healthier diets. Employing Bayesian Mindsponge Framework (BMF) analytics on a dataset of 710 Indonesian citizens, we found that people from wealthier households are less likely to have concerns about food prices. However, the degree of health considerations in food consumption was found to moderate against the above association. In other words, people of higher income-based social classes may worry more about food prices if they (...)
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  4. Prudential Redemption and Its Significance.Ying Liu - 2024 - Philosophers' Imprint 24 (14):1-15.
    The Shape-of-a-Life phenomenon is widely recognized by philosophers of well-being: an upward life trajectory seems better than its downward equivalent if the sum of momentary well-being is held fixed. But what if we hold fixed the sum of momentary well-being in an upward trajectory, are certain ways to improve from the bad times better than the others? Velleman suggests that a redemptive trajectory is better than a bare upward trajectory. In this paper, I elaborate this proposal by developing a mediating (...)
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  5. Perceiving God like an Angel.Wen Chen & Xiaoxing Zhang - forthcoming - Religious Studies.
    Mystical experiences are often regarded as potential sources of epistemic justification for religious beliefs. However, the ‘disanalogy objection’ maintains that, in contrast to sense perceptions, mystical experiences lack social verifiability and are thus merely subjective states that cannot substantiate objective truths. This article explores a novel externalist response that involves the concept of angels. As spiritual beings, angels can directly perceive God and verify these perceptions in their celestial community. Thus, the ‘direct perception of God’ is not inherently incapable of (...)
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  6. An Examined Life: Women, Buddhism, and Philosophy in KIm Iryop.Jin Y. Park - 2020 - Journal of World Philosophies 5.
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  7. Creating clear and reliable scientific evidence for marine stakeholders with felt responsibility to act against climate change.Minh-Hoang Nguyen, Ruining Jin, Minh-Phuong Thi Duong, Tam-Tri Le & Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    Climate change prevention necessitates the communication of transparent and reliable scientific evidence to improve public awareness and support. Felt responsibility is an essential factor influencing human environment-related psychology and behavior. However, the knowledge about the relationship between the felt responsibility and perceived uncertainty of scientific evidence regarding climate change has remained limited. The current study examines factors associated with the perceived uncertainty of scientific evidence (including felt responsibility to act on climate change) among stakeholders of marine and coastal ecosystems in (...)
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  8. "What Do Zen Masters Teach Us Today?: The Case of Son Master Hyeam Songgwan".Jin Y. Park - 2022 - In Hwansoo Ilmee Kim & Jin Y. Park, New Perspectives in Modern Korean Buddhism. State University of New York. pp. 21-46.
    Chapter 1 What Do Zen Masters Teach Us Today? The Case of Sŏn Master Hyeam Sŏnggwan Jin Y. Park Introduction Korean Sŏn Master Hyeam Sŏnggwan (慧菴性觀, 1920–2001) is a relatively unknown figure within English-language scholarship.1 However, among Korean Buddhists, his rigorous Zen practice has been well recognized. One-meal-per-day (K. ilchongsik 一種食), no-meal-in-the-afternoon (K. ohu pulsik 午後不食), and staying-sitting-in-meditation-without-lying-down (K. changjwa purwa 長坐不臥) are all well-known practices that frequently appear when describing Hyeam as a Zen master. What is less frequently asked (...)
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  9. A Theory of Necessities.Andrew Bacon & Jin Zeng - 2022 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 51 (1):151-199.
    We develop a theory of necessity operators within a version of higher-order logic that is neutral about how fine-grained reality is. The theory is axiomatized in terms of the primitive of *being a necessity*, and we show how the central notions in the philosophy of modality can be recovered from it. Various questions are formulated and settled within the framework, including questions about the ordering of necessities under strength, the existence of broadest necessities satisfying various logical conditions, and questions about (...)
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  10. Nonviolence and Ethical Imagination.Jin Y. Park - 2022 - World Environment and Island Studies 12 (4):237-240.
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  11. 从“文化叠加性”的角度概述越南社会的“三教合流”.Ruining Jin & Quan-Hoang Vuong - 2023 - Osf Preprints.
    该研究简要介绍了儒家、佛教和道教在越南的起源和发展,以及它们如何通过 "文化叠加性 "来共存、互动、影响越南社会。基于文化叠加性的成本效益分析,本文进一步说明了儒家思想如何在越南社会中占主导地位,道教思想如何与儒家思想共存,以及为什么佛教影响力逐渐在越南民间消失。.
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  12. Taking Deterrence Seriously: The Wide-Scope Deterrence Theory of Punishment.Lee Hsin-wen - 2017 - Criminal Justice Ethics 36 (1):2-24.
    A deterrence theory of punishment holds that the institution of criminal punishment is morally justified because it serves to deter crime. Because the fear of external sanction is an important incentive in crime deterrence, the deterrence theory is often associated with the idea of severe, disproportionate punishment. An objection to this theory holds that hope of escape renders even the severest punishment inapt and irrelevant. -/- This article revisits the concept of deterrence and defend a more plausible deterrence theory of (...)
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  13. The Verifiability of Daoist Somatic Mystical Experience.Wen Chen & Xiaoxing Zhang - forthcoming - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy.
    Mystical religious experiences typically purport to engage with the transcendent and often claim to involve encounters with spiritual entities or a detachment from the material world. Daoism diverges from this paradigm. This paper examines Daoist mystical experiences of bodily transformations and explores their epistemological implications. Specifically, we defend the justificatory power of Daoist somatic experiences against the disanalogy objection. The disanalogy objection posits that mystical experiences, in contrast to sense perceptions, are not socially verifiable and thereby lack prima facie epistemic (...)
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  14. The humanitarian assistance dilemma explained: the implications of the refugee crisis in Tanzania in 1994.Wen Chin Lung Ruamps - 2019 - Global Change, Peace and Security 31 (3):323-340.
    Despite the good intention of humanitarian agencies, humanitarian assistance and relief aid exacerbated the humanitarian crisis in Tanzania during 1994. In the case of Tanzania, humanitarian assistance relieved belligerents’ burden of sustaining conflicts, created safe spaces for armed combatants, undermined local economies, bestowed legitimacy upon belligerents, and fed armed combatants. This situation hence posed the typical humanitarian assistance dilemma for humanitarian agencies. While most scholars and aid practitioners suggest that humanitarian agencies should withdraw their assistance in these contexts given aid’s (...)
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  15. An analytical framework-based pedagogical method for scholarly community coaching: A proof of concept.Ruining Jin, Giang Hoang, Thi-Phuong Nguyen, Phuong-Tri Nguyen, Tam-Tri Le, Viet-Phuong La, Minh-Hoang Nguyen & Quan-Hoang Vuong - 2023 - MethodsX 10:102082.
    Working in academia is challenging, even more so for those with limited resources and opportunities. Researchers around the world do not have equal working conditions. The paper presents the structure, operation method, and conceptual framework of the SM3D Portal's community coaching method, which is built to help Early Career Researchers (ECRs) and researchers in low-resource settings overcome the obstacle of inequality and start their career progress. The community coaching method is envisioned by three science philosophies (cost-effectiveness, transparency spirit, and proactive (...)
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  16. Moral change: towards a person-centric model.Heng Ying - 2024 - Dissertation, University of Hong Kong
    In this project, I raised three methodological issues regarding contemporary studies of moral change and moral progress. The first concerns how philosophers typically think about moral history. The second focuses on the explanatory model of the shift of morality, and the last deals with the prescriptions for moral intervention. Based on the three criticisms, I propose the “person-centric” model as the new paradigm for studying the historical shift of morality. Different from current accounts that follow a knowledge-centric model, the person-centric (...)
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  17. Translation and transmutation: the Origin of Species in China.Xiaoxing Jin - 2019 - British Journal for the History of Science 52 (1):117-141.
    Darwinian ideas were developed and radically transformed when they were transmitted to the alien intellectual background of late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century China. The earliest references to Darwin in China appeared in the 1870s through the writings of Western missionaries who provided the Chinese with the earliest information on evolutionary doctrines. Meanwhile, Chinese ambassadors, literati and overseas students contributed to the dissemination of evolutionary ideas, with modest effect. The ‘evolutionary sensation’ in China was generated by the Chinese Spencerian Yan Fu’s (...)
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    Beyond “moral progress”: A dual-character conception of moral change.Heng Ying - 2025 - Metaphilosophy 57.
    Philosophers who study moral progress often hold a largely unacknowledged conception of moral history, which one may call the problem-solving conception of moral progress. This conception pictures humans as problem solvers, who make progress by advancing morally significant values in society. This conception, however, overlooks the conflict of values. In response, this paper proposes the dual-character conception of moral change to guide the study of the historical change of morality. This conception tracks a self-limiting structure of moral change— since not (...)
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  19. “Somewhere I belong?” A study on transnational identity shifts caused by “double stigmatization” among Chinese international student returnees during COVID-19 through the lens of mindsponge mechanism.Ruining Jin & Xiao Wang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:1018843.
    Chinese international students who studied in the United States received “double stigmatization” from American and Chinese authorities because of the “political othering” tactic during COVID-19. The research used a phenomenological approach to examine why and how specifically the transnational identity of Chinese international students in the United States shifted during the double stigmatization. The researcher conducted a total of three rounds of interviews with 15 Chinese international students who studied in the United States and returned to China between 2018 and (...)
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  20. The Attraction of the Cosmos: How information inducing happiness and impression affects attitudes toward space tourism.Tam-Tri Le, Ruining Jin, Minh-Hoang Nguyen & Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    Space tourism is an emerging field where few people have direct experience. However, considering the potential in the near future, it is beneficial to better understand how related information influences people’s attitudes about this new form of tourism. Employing information-processing-based Bayesian Mindsponge Framework (BMF) analytics on a dataset of 361 respondents consuming content related to space tourism on Chinese social media, we found that induced happiness and impression are positively associated with willingness to try space tourism. Information authenticity positively moderates (...)
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  21. The Unification of Sciences Based on the Intrinsicality of Nature: with TOE as a Trial.Jin Ma - manuscript
    This article aims to unify all scientific theories based on the concept of “intrinsicality of nature”, including the fundamental theories in physics. First, the general property within existing natural phenomena, say “intrinsicality of nature”, was deduced as “logicality” and "imperfectness". Then, the identical intrinsicality was deduced out for the science to unify all scientific theories. Finally, with this intrinsicality and the novelties of consciousness, the unification of physics theories, say Theory of Everything, was framed by a physical model of more (...)
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    Building transformative search engines: Understanding differences in the reflectivity of essays produced using ThoughtShuffler and Google.Shantanu Tilak, Ziye Wen, Chia-Hsin Yin, Latif Kadir, Paul Pangaro & Michael Glassman - 2024 - Journal of Transformative Learning 11 (1):30-48.
    Studies suggest college students/adult learners interacting with current search tools like Google display tendency to power-browse and adhere to page-ranking order in choosing sources to supplement writing. Such limitations may limit critical reflectivity. We present a tool, ThoughtShuffler which allows users to malleably alter neighborhoods of keywords and presents results as arrays of cards and collections that can be compared and contrasted. We conducted binary qualitative coding of essays produced by 39 users divided into experimental and control conditions and computed (...)
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  23. Information-theoretic classification of SNOMED improves the organization of context-sensitive excerpts from Cochrane Reviews.Sam Lee, Borlawsky Tara, Tao Ying, Li Jianrong, Friedman Carol, Barry Smith & A. Lussier Yves - 2007 - In Ron Rudnicki, Proceedings of the Annual Symposium of the American Medical Informatics Association. AMIA. pp. 645.
    The emphasis on evidence based medicine (EBM) has placed increased focus on finding timely answers to clinical questions in presence of patients. Using a combination of natural language processing for the generation of clinical excerpts and information theoretic distance based clustering, we evaluated multiple approaches for the efficient presentation of context-sensitive EBM excerpts.
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  24. On Kuhn's Post-Kantianism.Ying Lin - 2018 - Journal of Human Cognition 2 (1):16-29.
    In last part of his life, Kuhn claimed that he is a post-Kantian in many aspects. This paper aims to inquire the post-Kantian thesis of Kuhn from two paths. One is metaphors in science, and the other is Kuhn's theory of concepts. Following Andersen, Barker and Chen , who apply the new results of cognitive psychology (particularly, the frame model of concept representation), I propose a reinterpretation of Kuhn' s latest philosophy of science.
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  25. The unity of science and the unification of all knowledge.Jin Ma - manuscript
    This paper may have completed two seemingly impossible tasks: The unity of science and the unification of all knowledge. We have specified the unity of science on four aspects: 1) The common property of everything is logicality and logicality’s non-absoluteness. So, we call this the intrinsicality of nature; 2) The ultimate force of everything is called the “General Impact of Nature” (GIN). GIN is not only to unify the four basic forces, but also to explain life phenomena, especially conscious phenomena; (...)
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  26. (1 other version)The CNS-independent consciousness system: the model system of all nature and the framework of all sciences.Jin Ma -
    This paper presents the unification of all knowledge and the framework of all sciences, so it goes the theory of consciousness, the method to measure consciousness, and the three keys of the Strong AI. “Logicality and non-absoluteness” is found out to be the intrinsicality of nature, so the “Fundamental Law of Nature” is discovered. Then, the “general methodology of research” and the “model system of nature” are developed to explain everything, especially consciousness. The Coupling Theory of Consciousness tells that nature (...)
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  27. An Empirical Study on Socio-economic Status of Women Labor in Rice Husking Mill of Bangladesh.Riffat Ara Zannat Tama, Liu Ying, Fardous Ara Happy & Md Mahmudul Hoque - 2018 - South Asian Journal of Social Studies and Economics 2 (2):1-9.
    The economy of Bangladesh mainly depends on agriculture. Any development can’t be possible because females and males are equally distributed in the country. Women can play a vital role if they properly participated in farm activities as well as in other income-generating activities outside the home. Rice mills are very much dependent on human labour, and almost 5 millions of unorganised workers are working in different rice mills, and more than 60 per cent of them is a female worker. But (...)
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  28. How reputation concerns and Confucian values influence cheating behavior.Quan-Hoang Vuong, Ruining Jin, Minh-Hoang Nguyen, Viet-Phuong La & Tam-Tri Le - manuscript
    Cheating is a major problem in society, especially in the educational system. From the viewpoint of subjective cost-benefit analysis, concerns about reputation damage as well as considerations of cultural values against unethical behavior can help increase the perceived costs of cheating. To explore deeper into the psychological processes in such assessments, we employ Bayesian Mindsponge Framework (BMF) analytics – an information-processingbased method. Conducting Bayesian analysis on 493 university students from Germany, Vietnam, China, Taiwan, and Japan, we found that reputation concern (...)
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  29. Think more before you cheat: The influences of attitudes toward cheating and cognitive reflection on cheating behavior.Tam-Tri Le, Ruining Jin, Minh-Hoang Nguyen & Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    Cheating is widely considered a condemnable behavior in society and a big problem in the educational system. In this study, we employ the information-processing-based Bayesian Mindsponge Framework to explore deeper the subjective cost-benefit evaluation involving the perceived value of cheating. Conducting Bayesian analysis on 493 university students from Germany, Vietnam, China, Taiwan, and Japan, we found that students who have more positive attitudes toward cheating are more likely to cheat. However, a higher capability of cognitive reflection acts as a moderator (...)
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  30. The Instrumental Value Arguments for National Self-Determination.Hsin-wen Lee - 2019 - Dialogue—Canadian Philosophical Review 58 (1):65-89.
    David Miller argues that national identity is indispensable for the successful functioning of a liberal democracy. National identity makes important contributions to liberal democratic institutions, including creating incentives for the fulfilment of civic duties, facilitating deliberative democracy, and consolidating representative democracy. Thus, a shared identity is indispensable for liberal democracy and grounds a good claim for self-determination. Because Miller’s arguments appeal to the instrumental values of a national culture, I call his argument ‘instrumental value’ arguments. In this paper, I examine (...)
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  31. BMF Collaborative Project 6: A Study on Chinese Female Returnees’ Gender Identity Shifts after Their Overseas Study Experience.Ruining Jin - 2022 - SM3D Portal.
    I invite portal users to participate in a research project exploring the gender identity shifts of Chinese female international students after their overseas study/work experience. The research project will have four authors. The research project is a longitudinal study composed of two sets of interviews. The registration period opens from October 20 to 30, 2022, and will close sooner if the maximum number of participants is reached.
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  32. Doing a costly favor: Examining the subjective emotional influences in volunteers.Ruining Jin - 2023 - Bmf-Cp42.
    In this study, we examine some factors of the subjective emotional influences that may affect volunteers’ likelihood to respond negatively to requests for favors.
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  33. A New Societal Self-Defense Theory of Punishment—The Rights-Protection Theory.Hsin-Wen Lee - 2018 - Philosophia 46 (2):337-353.
    In this paper, I propose a new self-defense theory of punishment, the rights-protection theory. By appealing to the interest theory of right, I show that what we call “the right of self-defense” is actually composed of the right to protect our basic rights. The right of self-defense is not a single, self-standing right but a group of derivative rights justified by their contribution to the protection of the core, basic rights. Thus, these rights of self-defense are both justified and constrained (...)
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    Using social network analysis as a cybernetic modelling facility for participatory design in technology-supported college curricula.Shantanu Tilak, Marvin Evans, Ziye Wen & Michael Glassman - 2023 - Systemic Practice and Action Research 36:691-724.
    Despite iterative learning design being increasingly implemented, such approaches are often delineated by well-defined periods of design/implementation. However, second-order cybernetics, which suggests a participatory approach to learning design, involves responsively adapting learning environments to meet students’ needs, treating them as agentic participants in the classroom. In our mixed methods study, we investigate whether such a process can facilitate egalitarian participation and collaborative interactions in a technology-assisted classroom. We use the example of a graduate psychology class of 17 students and suggest (...)
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  35. The Identity Argument for National Self-determination.Hsin-wen Lee - 2012 - Public Affairs Quarterly 26 (2):123-139.
    A number of philosophers argue that the moral value of national identity is sufficient to justify at least a prima facie right of a national community to create its own independent, sovereign state. In the literature, this argument is commonly referred to as the identity argument. In this paper, I consider whether the identity argument successfully proves that a national group is entitled to a state of its own. To do so, I first explain three important steps in the argument (...)
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  36. Chinese Self: Its Culture ang Neuroscience.Ying Zhu & Hongbin Wang - 2017 - Journal of Human Cognition 1 (1):27-39.
    According to the principle of internal-external consonance (Wexler,2006), an individual's internal neuropsychological structures match key features of his or her external culture. We propose that the Chinese self, which is rooted in a culture of human relatedness under the influence of Confucianism, is a good example of this principle because recent brain imaging studies have found neural evidence that mirrors its cultural root. We also discuss the future direction of research on the neural basis of Chinese self.
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  37. Eugenics in China through the lens of cultural additivity.Ruining Jin - 2022 - Sm3D Science Portal.
    It is quite strange to see Eugenics’s vitality in China, where Confucianism is deep-rooted in the people’s beliefs, influencing their thinking and behaviors.
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  38. Confucian Affect (Qing 情) as the Foundation for Mutual Care and Moral Elevation.Jin Li - 2023 - Journal of Confucian Philosophy and Culture 40:39-73.
    Western psychology primarily studies human emotions via physiological reactions to external stimuli. Research suggests that cultural variations lead East Asians and Western-heritage individuals to experience distinct emotional patterns beyond bodily responses. A more thorough understanding of affect, involving culturally influenced emotions, remains unexplored in cross-cultural contexts. Influenced by Confucianism, East Asian cultures show unique emotional patterns. Unlike the Western focus on rationality, Confucian philosophy values human affect (qing 情), going beyond conventional emotions. This paper delves into the transformative nature of (...)
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  39. For students, why are video games so tempting?Ruining Jin - 2023 - Sm3D.
    However, people might wonder, did all Chinese students engage in school learning before the creation of electronic games? The answer is definitely no, and apart from gaming, students back in the day would skip classes to attend other activities perceived as “irrelevant” to school learning.
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  40. “Publish or Perish” Culture is Ruling the Academia in China.Ruining Jin - 2022 - Sm3D Science Portal.
    Recently, social media have circulated a story of a Chinese Ph.D. student who was forced to drop out of his doctorate program after eight years and become a delivery man because he failed to accomplish sufficient publishing records to meet the program’s graduation requirements.
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  41. Why is the “blame game” so popular around the globe?Ruining Jin - 2023 - Sm3D Knowledge Management.
    “Don’t measure a gentleman’s heart with a petty man’s scheming” is an old Chinese adage describing the cognitive bias towards others based on one’s egocentric and negative worldview.
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  42. Communication of the serendipity-mindsponge-3D knowledge management theory in Politico.Ruining Jin - 2022 - Mindsponge Portal.
    This marks a remarkable milestone when the serendipity-mindsponge-3D knowledge management theory is directly communicated through a well-known media channel like Politico.
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  43. Alternative Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in Vaccine Production and Use under Covid-19.Ling Jin - 2022 - Journal of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences 1 (1):147-153.
    For the past three years, Coronavirus-19 (Covid-19) has become one of the major global health problems. Unlike any previous virus in the past decades, Covid-19 has shown its unprecedented spreading speed, infection rate, fatality rate, etc. Under this urgent disease outbursting event, scientists around the globe, through the myriad of research and experiments, successfully developed effective vaccines. However, like many other medical innovations, Covid-19 vaccines are categorized as intellectual properties and a scarce resource. As a consequence, the citizens of developed (...)
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  44. Lang thang trong sự tỉnh thức: Một hành trình sảng khoái.Ruining Jin - 2023 - Tạp Chí Khoa Học Và Công Nghệ Việt Nam 7685:1-3.
    Trong thời đại hiện nay, chúng ta thường cảm thấy bị choáng ngợp bởi sự hỗn loạn của thế giới bên ngoài và khao khát những khoảnh khắc tỉnh thức. “Meandering Sobriety” (tạm dịch “Lang thang trong sự tỉnh thức”) của PGS.TS Vương Quân Hoàng (Trường Đại học Phenikaa và Quỹ Phát triển Khoa học và Công nghệ Quốc gia - NAFOSTED) có thể mang đến cho độc giả những khoảnh khắc đó qua tuyển tập truyện ngắn hài hước và (...)
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  45. Institutional Morality and the Principle of National Self-Determination.Hsin-wen Lee - 2015 - Philosophical Studies 172 (1):207-226.
    Allen Buchanan proposes a methodological framework with which theorists may evaluate different theories of secession, including the National Self-Determination theory. An important claim he makes is, because the right to secede is inherently institutional, any adequate theory of secession must include, as an integral part, an analysis of institutional morality. Because the National Self-Determination theory blatantly lacks such an analysis, Buchanan concludes that this theory is inherently flawed. In this paper, I consider Buchanan’s framework and the responses from supporters of (...)
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  46. Bizarre solutions to increase Chinese students’ online learning engagement.Ruining Jin - 2023 - Sm3D Knowledge Management.
    In Confucian education philosophy, the teacher is the center of a classroom [6], which has set the tone of the teacher-centered education model in China for thousands of years.
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  47. Consequentialist Theories of Punishment.Hsin-Wen Lee - 2022 - In Matthew C. Altman, The Palgrave Handbook on the Philosophy of Punishment. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 149-169.
    In this chapter, I consider contemporary consequentialist theories of punishment. Consequentialist theories of punishment look to the consequences of punishment to justify the institution of punishment. Two types of theories fall into this category—teleology and aggregationism. I argue that teleology is implausible as it is based on a problematic assumption about the fundamental value of criminal punishment, and that aggregationism provides a more reasonable alternative. Aggregationism holds that punishment is morally justified because it is an institution that helps society to (...)
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    A pursuit of ontological truth in Aristotle's philosophy.D. Jin - 2025 - Dissertation, Leiden University
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  49. In the Name of Equality— An Examination of Equality Arguments for National Self-Government.Hsin-Wen Lee - 2018 - In Lee Hsin-Wen & Kim Sungmoon, Reimaging Nation and Nationalism in Multicultural East Asia. Routledge. pp. 36-56.
    Both Kymlicka and Patten argue that the equal treatment of different national groups require that the state officially recognize the right of each to create its own autonomous government. After carefully examining their arguments, I show that they both make the false assumption that, in a multinational state, the state belongs only to the majority group but not the minority, and that a multination state can never treat minority groups equally. Both claims are inherently anti-pluralistic. Thus, the equal treatment of (...)
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  50. An Examination of the Feasibility of Cultural Nationalism as Ideal Theory.Hsin-wen Lee - 2014 - Ethical Perspectives 21 (1):199-224.
    The principle of national self-determination holds that a national community, simply by virtue of being a national community, has a prima facie right to create its own sovereign state. While many support this principle, not as many agree that it should be formally recognized by political institutions. One of the main concerns is that implementing this principle may lead to certain types of inequalities—between nations with and without their own states, members inside and outside the border, and members and nonmembers (...)
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